Key Policies & Procedures
Know Your Customer (KYC) Framework
Our KYC policy has been formulated in accordance with the guidance provided by the Joint Money Laundering Steering Group (JMLSG). Additionally, it draws upon resources and recommendations from globally recognized standards like the OECD and UN Principles. Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index, Know Your Country Rating, and Control Risks Corruption Index also contribute to shaping this policy and its associated controls.
Policy Against Bribery and Corruption
Our anti-bribery and corruption policy has been developed by referencing materials from esteemed sources including the UK Ministry of Justice and the US Department of Justice guidelines. We have also aligned it with international standards outlined by the OECD and the UN. A comprehensive process was undertaken to meticulously map out Avari’s global exposure to bribery and corruption risks. This policy takes into account our diverse operations, geographic presence, transactional methods, intermediary and counterparty relationships, and more.